How a SLED Can Change Minds About Abortion
We want to introduce you to the S.L.E.D. test. It’s a simple framework you can use to challenge and change minds about abortion. And as...
Is there time to change my mind?
It’s easy to access abortion pills, even in a state that has banned abortion. What’s not easy is the decision to take them, the regret...
The Significance In A Moment
The Significance In A Moment
Paralysis by Analysis
When Israel reached the Promised Land, Moses sent 12 spies in the land in obedience to the Lord. They were to bring back a report of the...
Compassion: a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering This past week Dr. Matt Phillips spoke to the Kiwanis Club of...
This time last year Life On Wheels was still just a dream, and I had never heard about it. From July 2012 to December 2016 I worked in a...
Going Small
Great big dreams, great big budgets, great big opportunities – America is the land of great big possibilities! Think big, plan your work,...
If Only People Knew!
I was discussing Life On Wheels with my sister and she said “If people only knew about Life On Wheels they would surely support you!”...
Why do women get on the bus?
We have a mobile ultrasound unit (translation: tricked out RV) that our clients call "the bus." We park near the abortion clinic in...
The Goal Line Stand
"And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy...