The Significance In A Moment
By Natalie Brumfield
Knocking on the door of the Planned Parenthood abortion center, an overwhelmed college student stood waiting to be buzzed inside the foreboding cement building. That nonchalant moment of time between Zahra* knocking on the door and the front desk unhitching the lock was the moment God would use to change Zahra’s unborn baby’s life forever. It was past normal Life On Wheels’ hours. But sidewalk volunteers, Amanda and Sarah, had seen young Zahra walk up the sidewalk for her abortion appointment. Amanda was holding a sign that read “Free Pregnancy Testing & Ultrasound: Sign In Here.”
While Zahra knocked, Amanda called out to let her know that they could give her a free ultrasound. And that they were available right then. Zahra stopped, almost froze, as she looked at the two compassionate women standing there holding a sign. She walked away from the door and walked up to the fence toward Amanda and Sarah. Zahra wanted to talk to someone about her situation. She needed to have a real conversation; to feel some support; to share this burden she was feeling. They stood at the fence and listened as Zahra explained how she was an athlete sent by her government to America for her college sport. She explained how money was a huge issue. She was afraid and uncertain what to do. Amanda listened tenderly and again encouraged Zahra to take the opportunity to get an ultrasound for free before making such a huge decision for abortion. Zahra agreed it was important.
In that next moment, Zahra stepped onto the Life On Wheels mobile unit for her free ultrasound. She felt so safe that she began telling the women all about her life back in her country. She began sharing about her family back home. The next thing they know they are all looking at beautiful pictures of her family, the animals of her nation, and talking about the culture that she loves and misses every single day.
The extraordinary puzzle of this entire encounter was that Zahra never did agree to an ultrasound on the bus that day. For over an hour, she shared her story with the volunteers. That is what she needed. She needed to be heard; to confide in a compassionate stranger; to share her worries. And that is what the volunteers easily did. Zahra decided to parent her unborn baby.
Amanda and Sarah don’t pretend to understand how this happened without Zahra seeing her baby on the ultrasound. But it’s enough to know that one lulled moment between the knocking and the opening of a door is all God needed to turn her head and lovingly offer a free resource in her darkest hour.
We already know the crucial impact it is for women to have access to a free ultrasound. Statistically, we understand that 89% of women who see their baby’s heartbeat choose life. However, at the end of the day, it is the sympathetic hands of these volunteers leading women towards real love and lasting hope that will change a life forever.
*Name of client has been changed.